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Splendour Festival 18

Following my work with Nott's TV, I was invited along to Splendour Festival this year, with a slightly different role from last year. In 2017, it was my role to ensure that all audio levels between bands fit with legislation and current festival guidelines. This year my role was that of a field sound recorder. Every year Nott's TV attend Splendour Festival to interview musicans and artists performing at the festival. It was my job to record the audio for each of these interviews and ensure that all levels meet the broadcast safe limitations. Within this role I ensured to make notes of all issues or timings so that when the audio is passed on to the editor it can be edited efficiently and without any issues. To record the audio, I used four shot gun microphones, and an F4 Field Recorder. Whilst I did not get chance to watch all of the bands on stage, I found this to be an amazing experience and I have learnt an awful lot with regards to recording on location from this experience. 


The bands that I recorded and the Nott's TV Team interviewed were as follows: 

The Charlotans

Marc Almond

Bjorn Again

Ady Suleiman

Ferocious Dog

Top Loader


Don't Forget Rupert

The Dandilions

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